Friday, October 28, 2011

Ten Classic Movies Remade as Dog and Cat Films

YouTube runs the world now, and everyone knows that what runs YouTube is funny pet videos. The trend in Hollywood of course is classic films being remade, and because YouTube trends and stars have of late started to make the transfer to the big screen, inevitably the trend will hit Hollywood that famous films will be remade with dogs and cats as the stars.
In that vein, here is my slate of classic films with pet stars:
1. Apocalypse Meow
2. The Bark Knight
3. The Wizard of Paws
4. Raging Bull-Terrier
5. The Ma-Trixie
6. Litters from Iwo Jima
7. Indiana Bones and the Kennel of Doom
8. The Hunch-bark of Notre Dog
9. Furr-lock Holmes
10. Biter-man

Also Rans:
Saving Private Lion
You've Got Meow
Bone with the Wind (Left off the list for fairly obvious reasons.)

I couldn't stop thinking of "bark" titles:
Barking Dawn
Broke-bark Mountain
Bark to the Future
Paranormal Bark-tivity

Titles for those on the kennel club circuit:
Bichon the River Kwai
Empire of Dachsund
My Big Fat Greek Sheepdog
Seven Years in Tibetan Pug...
ET: The English Terrier
Citizen Cane Corso Italiano
The Hunt for Redbone Coonhound

Pretentious Attempts:
Eric Von Stroheims "Breed"
A Billion Dollar Pet Remake Franchise:
Hairy Paw-ter and the Sorcerer's Bone
Hairy Paw-ter and the Chamber of Meow mix
Hairy Paw-ter and the Prisoner of Azka-bark
Hairy Paw-ter and the Dog Bowl of Fire
Hairy Paw-ter and the Order of the Fleas/Ticks
Hairy Paw-ter and the Half Poodle Mix
Hairy Paw-ter and the Deafening Howls

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